Inside of foreach loop, check if current entry is first/last by just using $loop
@foreach ($users as $user) @if ($loop->first) This is the first iteration. @endif @if ($loop->last) This is the last iteration. @endif <p>This is user {{ $user->id }}</p>@endforeach
There are also other properties like $loop->iteration
or $loop->count
.Learn more on the official documentation.
You can check if View file exists before actually loading it.
if (view()->exists('')) { // Load the view}
You can even load an array of views and only the first existing will be actually loaded.
return view()->first(['custom.dashboard', 'dashboard'], $data);
If you want to create a specific error page for some HTTP code, like 500 - just create a blade file with this code as filename, in resources/views/errors/500.blade.php
, or 403.blade.php
etc, and it will automatically be loaded in case of that error code.
If you want route to just show a certain view, don't create a Controller method, just use Route::view()
// Instead of thisRoute::get('about', 'TextsController@about');// And thisclass TextsController extends Controller{ public function about() { return view('texts.about'); }}// Do thisRoute::view('about', 'texts.about');
Instead of if-statement to check logged in user, use @auth
Typical way:
@if(auth()->user()) // The user is authenticated.@endif
@auth // The user is authenticated.@endauth
The opposite is @guest
@guest // The user is not authenticated.@endguest
In Blade's foreach you can use $loop variable even in two-level loop to reach parent variable.
@foreach ($users as $user) @foreach ($user->posts as $post) @if ($loop->parent->first) This is first iteration of the parent loop. @endif @endforeach@endforeach
It’s very easy - just add your own method in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
. For example, if you want to have this for replace <br>
tags with new lines:
Add this directive to AppServiceProvider’s boot()
public function boot(){ Blade::directive('br2nl', function ($string) { return "<?php echo preg_replace('/\<br(\s*)?\/?\>/i', \"\n\", $string); ?>"; });}
If you are not sure whether your Blade partial file actually would exist, you may use these condition commands:
This will load header only if Blade file exists
This will load header only for user with role_id 1
@includeWhen(auth()->user()->role_id == 1, 'partials.header')
This will try to load adminlte.header, if missing - will load default.header
@includeFirst('adminlte.header', 'default.header')
// Using include, the old way@include("", ["title" => $post->title])// Using Blade-X<x-post link="{{ $post->title }}" />// Using Blade-X variable binding<x-post :link="$post->title" />
Tip given by @anwar_nairi
// button.blade.php@props(['rounded' => false])<button {{ $attributes->class([ 'bg-red-100 text-red-800', 'rounded' => $rounded ]) }}> {{ $slot }}</button>// view.blade.php// Non-rounded:<x-button>Submit</x-button>// Rounded:<x-button rounded>Submit</x-button>
Tip given by @godismyjudge95
@php /* @var App\Models\User $user */@endphp<div> // your ide will typehint the property for you {{$user->email}}</div>
Tip given by @freekmurze
Did you know that if you pass colon (:) before the component parameter, you can directly pass variables without print statement {{ }}
<x-navbar title="{{ $title }}"/>// you can do instead<x-navbar :title="$title"/>
Tip given by @sky_0xs
Automatically highlight nav links when exact URL matches, or pass a path or route name pattern.A Blade component with request and CSS classes helpers makes it ridiculously simple to show active/inactive state.
class NavLink extends Component{ public function __construct($href, $active = null) { $this->href = $href; $this->active = $active ?? $href; } public function render(): View { $classes = ['font-medium', 'py-2', 'text-primary' => $this->isActive()]; return view('components.nav-link', [ 'class' => Arr::toCssClasses($classes); ]); } protected function isActive(): bool { if (is_bool($this->active)) { return $this->active; } if (request()->is($this->active)) { return true; } if (request()->fullUrlIs($this->active)) { return true; } return request()->routeIs($this->active); }}
<a href="{{ $href }}" {{ $attributes->class($class) }}> {{ $slot }}</a>
<x-nav-link :href="route('projects.index')">Projects</x-nav-link><x-nav-link :href="route('projects.index')" active="projects.*">Projects</x-nav-link><x-nav-link :href="route('projects.index')" active="projects/*">Projects</x-nav-link><x-nav-link :href="route('projects.index')" :active="$tab = 'projects'">Projects</x-nav-link>
Tip given by @mpskovvang
Did you know the Blade @each
directive can help cleanup loops in your templates?
// good@foreach($item in $items) <div> <p>Name: {{ $item->name }} <p>Price: {{ $item->price }} </div>@endforeach// better (HTML extracted into partial)@each('partials.item', $items, 'item')
Tip given by @kirschbaum_dev
A simple way to tidy up your Blade views!Use the forelse loop
, instead of a foreach loop
nested in an if statement
<!-- if/loop combination -->@if ($orders->count()) @foreach($orders as $order) <div> {{ $order->id }} </div> @endforeach@else <p>You haven't placed any orders yet.</p>@endif<!-- Forelse alternative -->@forelse($orders as $order) <div> {{ $order->id }} </div>@empty <p>You haven't placed any orders yet.</p>@endforelse
Tip given by @alexjgarrett
In Laravel 9, you'll be able to use the cool new "checked" Blade directive.
This is going to be a nice addition that we can use to clean up our Blade views a little bit
// Before Laravel 9:<input type="radio" name="active" value="1" {{ old('active', $user->active) ? 'checked' : '' }}/><input type="radio" name="active" value="0" {{ old('active', $user->active) ? '' : 'checked' }}/>// Laravel 9<input type="radio" name="active" value="1" @checked(old('active', $user->active))/><input type="radio" name="active" value="0" @checked(!old('active', $user->active))/>
Tip given by @AshAllenDesign