I found Larasoft online and loved the previous work they'd been involved in. I spent a few hours discussing the project with Alex, and quickly realised they were the right team to help my build CrewReview. As a small startup, it's really important to find the right team to steer you through the pitfalls and use your time and budget efficiently. Other agencies I spoke with just didn't meet the level of professionalism and expertise that Larasoft had from day 1.
Laravel 5.8
Laravel Nova for Admin area
Stripe Connect for Payments
mySql 8 Database
Mobile App built with Flutter
Bootstrap HTML
Laravel Forge for Server Deployment
Digital Ocean for on demand servers
Amazon S3 for Object Storage
I'd spent a lot of time planning how I wanted CrewReview to look and feel, and Larasoft were able to really nail my designs. I immediately loved the designs and there were very few changes to make. When it came to actually building the app, I saw incredible progress in a short space of time. Whenever I floated an idea, they were able to point towards great packages to help avoid reinventing the wheel.
"I immediately loved the designs and there were very few changes to make.”
The best thing about the build process was being able to login to testing server which Larasoft set up for me. They'd even filled the database with lots of demo data, so I could just jump straight in and play around with the features. It made the process really straightforward.
Cities around the world across 6 Continents
Maps showing Restaurants, Bars, Things to See & Do
Running, Cycling and Walking routes
User Reviews for Places
Claimable Businesses with management
Affiliate sponsership
Bookable tours through Third Party Providers
"The mobile app is awesome. It's so cool to download the app to your phone and see your product for the first time. All the hard work is worth it.”
The launch of CrewReview.com has been a real success and we'll continue using Larasoft to grow with new features we want to build. I'm confident that everything has been built with best practices, so it's solid and scalable. If I were building another app tomorrow, there's only one team I'd be emailing.
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Certified Quality. Great Prices