The Ultimate Website Redesign SEO Checklist

Alex Stevens
Alex Stevens

Redesigning a website involves improving the overall look and feel of some selected or all the web pages by changing the design layout, content, navigation, etc., while keeping the user experience at its best.


Any good web development company London would suggest website redesign for rebranding or repositioning purposes. Regardless of your purpose, you must know how to pay special attention to the SEO aspects of your website. Yes, it is important to redesign a website in a way that doesn't affect its current SEO.


Therefore, here we discuss the ultimate website redesign SEO checklist for the successful redesign and launch of your website.


Website design and development


While redesigning your website, make sure to choose the new design carefully. For that, understand your target audience and get a design that suits your industry too. For instance, you need not consider pop-culture designs for your professional services company. At the same time, let the current website live and use staging links for new site development, flagging it as non-index.


Content preparation and planning


Your website is the medium to reach millions of consumers, but the possibility of increasing your customers can only be done by using original, high-quality, design-friendly content. Therefore, plan how you want to tell your story to the world or present the top benefits of your products/services, and even pay attention to small details like font size, text color, etc., as these influence user experience. You may also consult a professional web design company in London for your website redesign needs and reduce your efforts.


Content development


You could always prepare the layout while planning and designing how you want your web pages to look and present the words. It is also possible to prepare the actual copies of content to be posted on the newly-designed website. You need to make sure your website text is readable, engaging, audience-relevant and, most importantly, original and grammatically correct.


Taking care of the SEO aspects, optimize your copies using high-rank relevant keywords across landing pages. Remember to add CTAs strategically wherever they fit in.


Website SEO


The purpose of optimizing your website for search engines is not only to make it the best for visitors but also for search engines to understand your website content and index it seamlessly. For this, make sure the page layout is set nicely, keywords are optimized effectively, high-quality, original images/videos are used, internal linking is done right, page loading speed is super fast, and take care of many other SEO aspects on your website.


The launch


Once you are done with the development and optimization phase, prepare your website for launch - remove no-index from the website, and try to start promoting the launch on your social media handles to create a buzz around your new website launch. Before finally making the site go live, fix any errors found using Google Search Console. Once all is set, launch the website.


If you find it challenging to manage all of it on your own and are looking for the best Laravel development company, get in touch with us. At Ltd, we have a team of skilled and experienced web designers, developers, and SEO consultants/agency London personnel who can meet your needs efficiently and help you launch your newly-designed website well on time. So, contact us today to get started - say or dial +44 (0)207 1015034 and know more.

Alex Stevens
Alex Stevens

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