Laravel v7.19.0 is released in 2020/07/07, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.
- Added everyTwoHours() | everyThreeHours() | everyFourHours() | everySixHours() methods to Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\ManagesFrequencies (#33393)
- Conditionally returning appended attributes in API resources (#33422)
- Added ScheduledTaskFailed event (#33427)
- Added Illuminate\Support\Stringable::when() (#33455)
- Fixed signed urls with custom parameters (bcb133e)
- Determine model key name correctly in Illuminate/Validation/Concerns/ValidatesAttributes.php (a1fdd53)
- Fixed notifications database channel for anonymous notifiables (#33409)
- Improve SQL Server last insert id retrieval (#33430, de1d159)
- Make Str::endsWith return false if both haystack and needle are empty strings (#33434)
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