Laravel 10: New Features and Latest Updates

Alex Stevens
Alex Stevens

If you are a developer, you are probably familiar with Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks. Laravel is known for user-friendliness, powerful features, and elegant syntax. Recently, Laravel 10 was released, bringing many exciting new features and improvements.

Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework created by Taylor Otwell. It was first released in 2011 and has since become one of the most popular PHP frameworks in the world. Laravel makes it easy to develop web applications by providing elegant syntax, powerful features, and many helpful tools.

If you are looking for Laravel web development services at affordable prices, contact Larasoft today - we offer the best Laravel web development solutions that will meet your needs and likely surpass your expectations.

Top New Features and Latest Updates of Laravel 10

Jetstream Integration

Jetstream is beautifully and carefully designed application scaffolding for Laravel. It provides a starting point for building your Laravel application with a user management system, email verification, two-factor authentication, API support, and more. Laravel 10 integrates Jetstream, making it easier than ever to get started with a new Laravel project.

Improved Blade Components

The blade is Laravel's powerful templating engine. It provides an elegant syntax for building reusable templates. Laravel 10 improves blade components by adding a new component syntax that allows you to define features in-line. This makes it even easier to create reusable components.

Laravel Sanctum

Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight package for Laravel that provides API authentication for single-page applications (SPAs), mobile applications, and simple token-based APIs. Laravel 10 includes Laravel Sanctum out-of-the-box, making it easy to secure your Laravel API.

Automatic Policy Discovery

Policies in Laravel allow you to define authorisation rules for your application. Therefore, Laravel 10 makes it even easier to define policies by introducing automatic policy discovery. Now, you can define policies without having to register them manually.

Improved Testing Helpers

Laravel's testing tools are one of the most powerful features of the framework. Laravel 10 improves testing helpers by adding new methods that make it even easier to write tests. For example, the new assertSeeInOrder method allows you to assert that multiple strings appear in response in the specified order.

Better Route Caching

Route caching in Laravel allows you to cache your application's routes, making your application faster. Laravel 10 improves route caching by caching middleware, making your application even faster.

Other Improvements

In addition to the above features, Laravel 10 includes many other improvements, such as:

  • Improved routing performance
  • Improved caching performance
  • Improved support for PHP 8
  • Improved database query builder
  • Improved error pages


Laravel 10 is a major release that brings many exciting new features and improvements. It includes Jetstream integration, improved blade components, Laravel sanctum, automatic policy discovery, improved testing helpers, better route caching, improved routing performance, improved caching performance, improved support for PHP 8, improved database query builder, and many other improvements.

If you are a web development company looking to outsource Laravel web development services, look no further than Larasoft. Call us now at +44 (0)207 1015034 to know more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Laravel?

A1. Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework created by Taylor Otwell. It provides elegant syntax, powerful features, and many helpful tools that make it easy to develop web applications.

Q2. What is new in Laravel 10?

A2. Laravel 10 brings many new features and improvements, such as Jetstream integration, improved Blade components, Laravel Sanctum, automatic policy discovery, improved testing helpers, better route caching, improved routing performance, improved caching performance, improved support for PHP 8, improved database query builder, etc.

Q3. How do I get started with Laravel 10?

A3. To start with Laravel 10, you must have PHP and Composer installed on your computer. You can install Laravel 10 using Composer by running the following command:

  • composer create-project --prefer-distlaravel/laravelmyproject
  • Replace "myproject" with the name of your project.

Q4. What are the system requirements for Laravel 10?

A4. Laravel 10 requires PHP 8.0 or higher and the following PHP extensions:

  • BCMath
  • Ctype
  • Fileinfo
  • JSON
  • Mbstring
  • OpenSSL
  • PDO
  • Tokenizer
  • XML
  • cURL (optional)

Q5. What is Jetstream in Laravel 10?

A5. Jetstream is an application scaffolding tool for Laravel. It provides a starting point for building your Laravel application with a user management system, email verification, two-factor authentication, API support, and more. Laravel 10 integrates Jetstream, making it easier than ever to get started with a new Laravel project.

Q6. What is Laravel Sanctum in Laravel 10?

A6. Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight authentication system for SPA (Single Page Applications), mobile applications, and simple token-based APIs. It is considered an easy way to authenticate users and secure API requests using tokens. Laravel 10 includes Laravel Sanctum integration out of the box.

Q7. What is automatic policy discovery in Laravel 10?

A7. Automatic policy discovery is a new feature in Laravel 10 that makes it easier to work with policies. Policies define the authorisation rules for a given resource, and with automatic policy discovery, Laravel can automatically generate the policy classes for your models. This means you don't have to create policy classes for each model manually.

Q8. Can I use Laravel 10 with PHP 7.x?

A8. No, Laravel 10 requires PHP 8.0 or higher. If you're using an older version of PHP, you'll need to upgrade to PHP 8.0 to use Laravel 10.

Q9. What is improved caching performance in Laravel 10?

A9. Laravel 10 includes several improvements to caching performance; including a new Redis driver, improved caching performance for the file and database drivers, and better support for cache tags. These improvements can help your web applications perform better and scale more efficiently.

Q10. What is the database query builder in Laravel 10?

A10. The database query builder in Laravel 10 is a powerful feature that allows you to build complex database queries using a simple, fluent interface. It supports a wide range of database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite, and provides a range of features such as joins, subqueries, and unions.

About Larasoft

If you're a software development company in London looking to leverage the latest web development technologies, get in touch with Larasoft, a trusted software development company in London. We can bring your next project to life. At Larasoft, we have an entire team of experienced developers who can help you maximise Laravel’s all-new features and improvements.

Contact us to learn how we can help you build the best software for your in-house or clients’ projects. Our team of experienced Laravel developers can help you build custom web applications that can meet your specific business needs. To discuss your project and how we can help, dial +44 (0)207 1015034 now!

Alex Stevens
Alex Stevens

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