Laravel is a fully assembled PHP framework that arranges simple, expressive, and elegant designs for web development purposes. It helps to take the pain out of development by easing everyday tasks used in most web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions and caching. As a result, it is perfect for building APIs and websites with minimal effort from developers. In addition, it offers a robust community and a wide range of resources to your website.
We took the exam and passed with flying colors! We have been a big fan of Laravel since it was launched in the market, which also justifies our eagerness to test our years of practice so severely. The certification of our skills, knowledge, and experience in Laravel has made us so proud that we know this framework perfectly and can help you build your web application or website effortlessly. Passing this exam and getting certified also gives us an advantage over our competitors.
When you look at any other PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Yii2, or Symfony2, they all have pros and cons. Still, none of them can compete with the speed, flexibility, functionality, and security that Laravel provides. There are many objectives why you should use this framework, but let's take a look at some of the most important ones:
Ease of use – It makes it easy for developers to create dynamic applications without configuring all of their configurations manually every time they want to add something new or change something on their website or application.
Security – It has been built from the ground up with security in mind, protecting against common attacks such as cross-site and scripting SQL injection (XSS) attacks. When you use Laravel for your project, it will automatically be protected against these threats!
Performance - Laravel uses a framework structure and the associated libraries to secure that the developers can develop a significant code with the least amount of effort. Moreover, it uses low-level components such as Symfony components, which improves the performance of the applications.
When our customers hire us to build their website, they can expect us to develop a secure and scalable website that will be easy to use. We passed the exam independently with a grade of 97%. This certification proves that our developers understand the concept of Laravel models, authentication and security, blade templates, controllers, and PHP artisans.
This means we can help you with any issues that your site may already be facing. In addition, Laravel uses composer for managing external packages, which allows us to keep up with the latest trends in PHP development. It also helps us to utilize the best frameworks available from the community without reinventing the wheel every time we start a fresh project or add functionality to an existing one.
If you are searching for a reasonable web development agency to help you with your website or application, Ltd offers the best Laravel web development services. To know more about us call 44(0) 207 1015034.
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