Vapor PHP 8.1 Release Candidate Is Now Supported

Nuno Maduro
Nuno Maduro

Starting today, you may use PHP 8.1 Release Candidates in your Vapor environments. To get started, simply specify php-8.1:al2 as your preferred runtime in your vapor.yml configuration file.


If your application is using Docker runtimes, we hope to release PHP 8.1 support for your environment within the next week or two.

In addition, some Vapor features, PHP features, and PHP extensions may not work as expected when running environments on PHP 8.1. And of course, soon as PHP 8.1 receives a stable release, your environment will automatically start using PHP 8.1's stable version after a subsequent deployment.

We hope you enjoy PHP 8.1 in your Vapor projects. At Laravel, we're committed to providing you with the most robust and developer-friendly PHP experience in the world. If you haven't checked out Vapor, now is a great time to start! You can create your account today at:

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Nuno Maduro
Nuno Maduro

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