Laravel v6.17.0 released

Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

Laravel v6.17.0 is released in 2020/02/25, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.


  • Allowed private-encrypted pusher channels (#31559ceabaef8215e0d)
  • Added file permission config option for the File cache store (#31579)
  • Added Connection refused and running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement to DetectsLostConnections (#31539)



  • Fixed issue Content Type not specified (#31533)


  • Allowed cache helper to have an optional expiration parameter (#31554)
  • Allowed passing of strings to TestResponse::dumpSession() method (#31583)
  • Consider mailto: and tel: links in the subcopy actionUrl label in emails (#31523641a7cd)
  • Exclude mariaDB from database queue support for new SKIP LOCKED (fff96e7)


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Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

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