Laravel v6.0.4 is released in 2019/09/24, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.
TestResponse::assertJsonPath() method (
Added hasMacro \ getGlobalMacro \ hasGlobalMacro methods to Eloquent Builder (
Added Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany::getPivotColumns() method (
Added ScheduledTaskFinished \ ScheduledTaskStarting events to signal when scheduled task runs (
Allowing adding command arguments and options with InputArgument \ InputOption objects (
Fixed __() with null parameter (
Fixed modifying updated_at column on custom pivot model (
Fixed Illuminate\Redis\Limiters\ConcurrencyLimiter (
Fixed VerifyCsrfToken middleware when response object instance of Responsable interface (
Fixed Postgresql column creation without optional precision (
Fixed migrations orders with multiple path with certain filenames (
Fixed adding NotFoundHttpException to "allowed" exceptions in tests (
Make it possible to disable encryption via 0/false (
Allowed a symfony file instance in validate dimensions (
Create storage fakes with custom configuration (
Set locale in PendingMail only if locale present conditionally (
Improved sorting of imports alphabetically on class generation from stub (
Changed imports to Alpha ordering in stubs (
Used value helper where possible (
Improved readability in auth.throttle translation (
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