Laravel v5.8.33 released

Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

Laravel v5.8.33 is released in 2019/08/20, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.


  • Added ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait::passedValidation() callback (#29549)
  • Implement new types for email validation support (#29589)
  • Added Redis 5 support (#29606)
  • Added insertOrIgnore support (#2963946d7e96#29645)
  • Allowed to override the existing Whoops handler.(#29564)


  • Fixed non-displayable boolean values in validation messages (#29560)
  • Avoid undefined index errors when using AWS IAM (#29565)
  • Fixed exception message in the ProviderRepository::writeManifest() (#29568)
  • Fixed invalid link expiry count in ResetPassword (#29579)
  • Fixed command testing of output and questions expectations (#29580)
  • Added ignoring of classes which are not instantiable during event discovery (#29587)
  • Used real classname for seeders in the output (#29601)


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Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

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