Laravel v5.7.25 released

Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

Laravel v5.7.25 is released in 2019/02/05, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.


  • Allowed specifying custom translation for date relative messages (#27341)
  • Add computed support to SQL Server schema grammar (#273461c74d7f)
  • Allowed ENV to control paths of cache files for services, packages and routes (#27389)


  • Fixed BelongsToMany pivot relationship child with loaded relations wakeup (#27358)
  • Fixed wrong class being used when eager loading nullable MorphTo with withDefault() (#27411)


  • Removed php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in DetectsLostConnections trait (#27418)


Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

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