Laravel v5.7.21 released

Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

Laravel v5.7.21 is released in 2019/01/15, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.


  • Fixed Blueprint::removeColumn() (#27115#27122)
  • Fixed allowing of null broadcast connection driver (#27135)
  • Fixed ModelMakeCommand::handle() should always return bool value (#27156)
  • Fixed TestResponse::assertSessionDoesntHaveErrors() when there is no errors (#27145)
  • Fixed default message is localization twice in 403.blade.php error page (4a08120)


  • Replaced get_called_class() to static::class (#27146)
  • Re-throw NoMatchingExpectationException from PendingCommand (#27158)

Tania Blindaruk
Tania Blindaruk

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