Laravel: PHP 8 Support

Dries Vints
Dries Vints

PHP 8 has been officially released! We've been hard at work behind the scenes to provide support for all our libraries so that upgrading to PHP 8 with Laravel is easy.

First, make sure you're at the latest version of Laravel 6, 7 or 8 to get PHP 8 support. Then make sure you're on the very latest version of any first-party package from Laravel like Passport, Cashier, Dusk, etc.

There are also a couple of commonly used dependencies you'll need to update in your composer.json file:

  • PHP to php:^8.0
  • Faker to fakerphp/faker:^1.9.1
  • PHPUnit to phpunit/phpunit:^9.3

Finally, run composer update to update other packages. Make sure to test your application before updating production. That's it! Enjoy PHP 8!

PS: We're still working on providing PHP 8 support for Scout and Nexmo Notification Channel. We expect this to land soon.

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Dries Vints
Dries Vints

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