Jetstream 2.0 Released

Taylor Otwell
Taylor Otwell

Today I'm excited to announce the release of Laravel Jetstream 2.0! This release of Jetstream adds several highly requested features to the application starter kit, including:

  • Team Member Invitations
  • Inertia Authentication Views
  • Team Switcher Improvements
  • Accessibility Improvements
  • Tailwind 2.0 Support

If you have already started an application on Jetstream 1.x, you can still upgrade to Jetstream 2.0. To get started, check out the upgrade guide. However, please note that this upgrade guide does not cover upgrading your application to the latest releases of Tailwind or Inertia. You are not required to update these libraries in order to use Jetstream 2.0. If you would like to upgrade those libraries, please consult their respective upgrade guides.

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Taylor Otwell
Taylor Otwell

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