Forge: Using Tags To Organize Your Projects

James Brooks
James Brooks

As your server infrastructure and number of sites grows, finding the right server or site can become increasingly cumbersome. Thankfully, Laravel Forge makes managing your infrastructure easier with the use of tags.

Tags can be added to both your servers and sites from their respective Meta panels:

Server tags can be added via the Server's Meta panel.Server tags can be added via the Server's Meta panel.

Once your tags have been added, there are a number of ways you can use them. The first is through the Global Search, which can be accessed at any time by pressing the / key:

Access the Global Search at any time by pressing /Access the Global Search at any time by pressing /

From here, you can search your sites and servers by:

  • The name of the server or site
  • IP Addresses
  • Tags

Forge will quickly filter down results as you type.

Another way to filter servers by tags is within the Active Servers list on your Forge dashboard. Clicking the All Servers button opens up a dropdown menu that provides a few different ways to filter your servers, including tags:

Filtering the Active Servers list.Filtering the Active Servers list.

From this menu, servers may be filtered by:

  • All Servers
  • Owned Servers (servers that you own)
  • Untagged Servers (servers without any tags)
  • Circles that you are a member of
  • Tags

In addition, you can manage all of your tags from the Tags panel in your account dashboard.

If you don’t have a Forge account, now is a great time to sign up! Forge allows you to painlessly create and manage PHP servers which include MySQL, Redis, Memcached, database backups, and everything else you need to run robust, modern Laravel applications.

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James Brooks
James Brooks

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