Forge AWS VPC / Subnet Improvements

Taylor Otwell
Taylor Otwell

Beginning today, Forge now allows you to select the subnet that AWS servers should be place in when provisioning. This feature gives you more control over the network configuration of your Forge AWS servers. Previously, all AWS servers were placed in a “Laravel Forge” VPC with a default subnet that was configurable:


Creating New VPCs

In addition, Forge also now allows you to create additional new VPCs when creating your servers. To create a new VPC, select the “Create New” option in the “VPC” drop-down selection menu and enter the desired name for your VPC:


If you don’t have a Forge account, now is a great time to sign up. Forge allows you to painlessly create and manage PHP 7.2 servers which include MySQL, Redis, Memcached, and everything else you need to run robust, modern Laravel applications.

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Taylor Otwell
Taylor Otwell

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